Busy Busy Busy

Working like a fiend this week, and getting ready for a trip home for the holiday weekend. So, I don't have time to read all of the pundits online. What to do? Check out the brilliance of Busy, Busy, Busy which provides distillations of the longwinded bloviations. Brad Delong mentions it on his site today, and I think it deserves repeating to all three of my readers. Such fine things, including this blurb from my buddy Charles Krauthammer:

Shorter Charles Krauthammer: No 'Roe' Replay On Affirmative Action: The Supreme Court's affirmative action decision is socially ruinous, a legal travesty, and a good thing as it circumvents a potential Roe-style political backlash against my side.

Oh, and I've added some new blogs to my blogroll. Check them out at your leisure.

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