Soldiers To Be Punished For Comments to Good Morning America

Our army has lost confidence in its leadership. So, what does the leadership do? Punish them, of course. "The beatings will continue until morale improves."

From The Washington Post:

[Gen. John] Abizaid also addressed the growing morale problems in the 3rd Infantry Division. He said that soldiers quoted yesterday on ABC News' "Good Morning America" questioning their mission in Iraq and calling for Rumsfeld's resignation were wrong and could be disciplined.

"None of us that wear this uniform are free to say anything disparaging about the secretary of defense or the president of the United States. We're not free to do that. It's our professional code," he said.

One of the soldiers, a specialist, said, "If Donald Rumsfeld was here, I'd ask him for his resignation." Another private added, "I used to want to help these people, but now, I don't really care about them anymore."

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