While it is heartening that the country is finally starting to pick up on the pattern of lies, deceptions, and bullshit that is coming out of the White House, I find it somewhat curious that the press is focused on a very small part of it, the uranium-Niger-Iraq "Axis of Yellowcake". Still, I'll settle for this. Once the press starts reporting this, and then gets bored with it, maybe some of the other lies will grab their attention. Ari Fleischer (Didn't this guy resign a long time ago?) had a good whopper yesterday, "the president has moved on. And I think, frankly, much of the country has moved on, as well." I don't think they have. I hope not, anyway.
Now, today, on the Washington Post website, there is an article about the senior administration officials going on the Sunday talking head programs saying that "President Bush's disputed statement about Iraqi uranium shopping in Africa was accurate, even while conceding anew it should have been deleted from his State of the Union address." So, it was accurate but should have been removed? Oh, whatever.
Just as a hint, media-types, maybe start checking out the plight of the unemployed. And find some solid economic types to explain in simple words why the tax cuts won't stimulate us out of this recession.