Sorry for the interruption
Been busy this past week, and I haven't had a whole lot of time to blog. Plus, really and truly, I haven't had a whole lot to add to the discourse. I really don't care who get's to be California's next governor. The Bush administration is starting to get it in the chops, both in the poll numbers (approval ratings below 50%), in the media, in the Congress (questioning the $87 billion phone bill from Iraq), and even hopefully in the Justice Department (See this little tidbit about Joseph Wilson and his wife, who may or may not be a CIA secret agent and was outed by Bob Novak).
Brad DeLong has been doing a great job this week dealing with currency issues (The administration wants a weaker Dollar policy, see The Weak Dollar Policy and Talking Down the Dollar, and reprints a great Paul Krugman essay that didn't get into his new book, The Great Unraveling. Dr. DeLong knows more about this than I do, has covered everything, and writes better than I do.
Speaking of which, I'm reading the Great Unraveling right now. I'll let you know how it is, but you know it's got to be good.