On obligations of citizenship
Other than jury duty and taxes, is there another obligation of citizenship that requires a person give up personal time for society?
I don't think so. We have laws that tell us what we cannot do. Some of these laws do require positive action from the citizen, such as building permits or driver's licenses. But these do not appear to be a requirement of citizenship. If you don't want to get a driver's license, don't. And if you've never built or added on to a house, or other structure, you've never had to get a building permit. I've never required one. Granted, these days to receive maximum benefit from citizenship, you do have to get some form of government ID. But it's not a requirement.
Maybe signing up for Social Security is a requirement, at least to work, and to conduct commerce. All of your financial transactions require Social Security numbers these days.
These are the things I was thinking about as I sat in the jury room today. I was called, and I served. How long will it be, until we try to get government off our backs again, and we do away with the jury service requirement. And, if we rely on an all-volunteer jury force, we will be setting ourselves up for the worst kinds of busybodies and judgemental neighbors evaluating our actions. Jury duty is a good thing. Remember that, as you serve, that someday you may be the one in front of the jury.