While you're there...
And while you're reading the previous post on Orcinus, read this one too. Good god, this is chilling. But it is also good analysis. Reminds me of reading Krugman quoting Kissenger about revolutionaries, but more intense. Because this time it is personal. Go, read.
Orcinus-The Political and the Personal :
When the Supreme Court handed down its ruling in Bush v. Gore, (which I will discuss in more detail sometime this week), it became clear to me that not only had the conservative movement grown into a dogmatic ideology, it had metastacized into a power-hungry, devouring claque of ideologues for whom winning was all that mattered. I also knew, of course, that not everyone who participated in the movement was like this -- but they were all too willing to let those who were run a steamroller over every basic principle of democratic rule -- especially its core of equity and fair play -- in the name of obtaining the White House.