Tort Reform
You know how Texas passed tort reform of the type that Dubya want's the whole country to have? Want to see how it worked out? Check out this (Off the Kuff: There's your tort "reform") and this ( - Insurers taken to task over malpractice rates).
On second thought, I'll just summarize it for you. Instead of the insurance companies cutting their insurance rates, they've kept them the same or increased them. And, since the tort reform isn't reducing rates, those commies in the state lege are threatening to legilatively roll back premiums. Seems they're having a Claude Rains moment right now, but I think they may be genuinely shocked that manipulating the market for one interest has unintended consequenses on others.
And isn't it wonderful that Dubya wants to bring this to the entire country?
AUSTIN -- House lawmakers sent a stern message to insurance companies Thursday: Medical malpractice lawsuit reforms passed last year were meant to help doctors -- not boost profits.
Republicans and Democrats who supported the legislation suggested that lawmakers might consider mandatory rate rollbacks if doctors don't get significant rate relief soon.
Lawmakers nearly approved a rate rollback last year but stopped short when insurance companies promised reductions.
"Some of us put ourselves way out on the line for our doctors," said Rep. Joe Nixon, R-Houston, author of the bill and the constitutional amendment that allows a cap on jury awards and limits insurance companies' liability.
"Profits for (the companies) is not what we intended."
In the seven months since voters approved Proposition 12, the Texas Medical Liability Trust is the only major carrier to agree to reduce rates. Others have tried to raise rates.
(thanks to Kevin Drum, Charles Kuffner, and Trivial Pursuits)