Bush as 'peace' president

A piece of what? Well, what he says is how he'd like to make us all more prosperous through ownership. Trouble is, he and his cronys already own everything. And without an inheritance tax, they'll get to keep it all too. So, don't believe him when he talks about everyone owning. You won't own enough to get the benefit. If you want to see what the future holds under another Bush regime, you have to go back to the past. See Billmon's Building a Bridge to the 19th Century for more on the return to the Gilded Age.

As for being the Peace President, what a load of bullshit. First of all, he crowned himself the "War President". Perhaps he borrowed the crown from Sung Myung Moon. He must have figured out that with a majority of the country thinking the War in Iraq was a bad idea now, so he's the Peace President and anyone who says otherwise is being a "nottering nabob of negativity". Trouble is, once you brand yourself one thing, you can't hardly change it without a lot of time and money. Money he has, but time? Only time will tell.

Bush Talks of Peace and Prosperity (washingtonpost.com): "President Bush turned abruptly last night from the martial rhetoric that had marked the first year of his reelection campaign and unveiled fall themes emphasizing his quest for peace abroad and his plans to make the nation more prosperous through what he called 'a new era of ownership.'

Bush said his goals include improving accountability in high school education and making health care more available and affordable. Responding to the economic hardships that have hurt his approval ratings, Bush said he wants to make the nation 'even more job-friendly' through such longtime conservative goals as restraining regulations, taxes and lawsuits.

'This nation is on a rising path, and with four more years we'll achieve more growth, new and higher-paying jobs, and greater opportunity for all of our citizens,' Bush told 7,000 Republicans who had paid at least $2,500 apiece to hear him. 'We will continue to lead the cause of freedom and peace, and we will prevail.'"

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